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Parkinsons Specific PWR!4Life Programs | Stroke Survivor Specific Programs | Accredited Instructor Training Programs | Speaker: Aging, Fall Prevention & Balance
Class Descriptions
Surefeet Online Functional Balance & Mobility 

Level 1: This class caters to those who

  1. spend a lot of their day seated 
  2. have balance problems
  3. have difficulty with processing skills
  4. are recovering from surgery/injury
  5. want to have fun while exercising

A slower paced Surefeet Seniors class with modifications for Stroke survivors, both seated & standing, modifications for seated during standing exercises if required

Mon/Wed 11:05   55 min

Surefeet Online Functional Balance & Mobility

Level 2:  This class caters to those who are
  1. Independent living Seniors
  2. balance challenged Seniors
  3. wanting to maintain mobility
  4. wanting to improve strength and balance
  5. interested in brain health activities
  6. want to have fun while exercising
Class will focus upon strength, flexibility, aerobic activity, brain health, both seated and standing   
Mon/Wed 10:00    55  min
Surefeet Online Stretch & Strength

 This class caters to those who

  1. are active independent living Seniors
  2. are recovering from surgery/injury...and/or
  3. need/want large range of motion exercises...and/or
  4. want to work on flexibility

Focus on Range of motion & strength, Seated and standing and floor/optional

 Thursday 10:00     55 min

Surefeet Online PWR!Moves Plus : This class caters to those who
  1. live with Parkinson's/PD warriors
  2. are active independent living Seniors
  3. want to improve their strength
  4. want to improve their mobility
  5. want to improve work on brain health
  6. want to experience a different type of exercise class
  7. want to have fun while exercising.
Class includes HIIT/Brain Health, strength, aerobic exercise,  flexibility, large range of motion activities, seated , standing and floor/optional
Mon/Wed/Fri 12:10    55 minutes

 Contact:  info@surefeet.ca    

  604 417 6441 or 604 401 9029


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